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Yazar Mesaj
Mesaj28.07.2009, 10:36 (UTC)    
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Mesaj28.07.2009, 10:36 (UTC)    
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yarsım ettim sana indirdim bi tane kota yı aşmışım zaten
Mesaj28.07.2009, 10:40 (UTC)    
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valla bende limitsiz paylaşımdan indirdim ayrıca grafit art indirdim veriom hadi
Mesaj28.07.2009, 10:42 (UTC)    
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All these below add-ons are 100%  Free and they are very easy to install.74br7674br7674a href7542 Star Ratings Widget74/a76:  Very eager to know  what your readers think about your posts?74a href7542 style7542margin:0pt 0pt 10px 10px;float:right;width:101px;height:42px42 src7542 alt754242 border75420427674/a7674br76Here is a cool star rating widget by Outbrain. The insttallation is very simple,74br76just follow the step by step instructions 74a href7542 their site74/a76.74br7674br7674a href7542 or 74a href7542 : Sharethis or Addthis social bookmarking 74a href7542 style7542margin:0pt 0pt 10px 10px;float:right;width:200px;height:91px42 src7542 alt7542Sharethis social bookmarking button42 border75420427674/a76buttons makes it easy for your visitors to share  your content with others. It is a good way to increase your link popularity and publicity. Their nice css dropdown icons reduces the clutter on your pages and eliminates the need to add a different button for each social bookmarking service.74br7674br7674div7674br7674a href7542 : This is a real time visitor tracking widget and displays 74a href7542 style7542margin:0pt 0pt 10px 10px;float:right;width:81px;height:29px42 src7542 alt7542online visitor tracking widget42 border75420427674/a7674br76the number of people currently on your site and what pages they are74br76reading. You don47t need any sign-up47s to grab this widget.74br7674br7674a href7542 Online74/a76 : With this widget installed, your visitors can easily download74a href7542 style7542margin:0pt 0pt 10px 10px;float:right;width:128px;height:26px42 src7542 alt7542Save Page as PDF42 border75420427674/a7674br76your articles in PDF format with just a click. The downloaded PDF47s are74br76free of any advertising and you can get full access to download stats,etc.74br7674br7674a href7542 Creator74/a76: With Zoho Creator, you can create professional online74a href7542 style7542margin:0pt 0pt 10px 10px;float:right;width:123px;height:56px42 src7542 alt7542zoho creator42 border75420427674/a7674br76contact forms/web forums in minutes. The good things about this is74br76there are no data limits and readers can also upload attachments while74br76submitting the form.74br7674br7674a href7542 Talk Badge74/a76: Google Talk Badge will let your visitors to74a href7542 style7542margin:0pt 0pt 10px 10px;float:right;width:200px;height:63px42 src7542 alt7542Google talk badge42 border75420427674/a7674br76chat with you.The badge will active whenever you sign in to74br76Googletalk. The nice thing is your visitors can chat with you even74br76if they don47t have a google account.74br7674br7674a href7542 Media Player74/a76: With this very useful widget, you can74a href7542 style7542margin:0pt 0pt 10px 10px;float:right;width:200px;height:42px42 src7542 alt7542Yahoo media player42 border75420427674/a76 easily add a simple media player to your blog which can auto detect mp3 links and create an embedded player. This tool is very useful for especially audio,music blogs.74br7674br7674a href7542 style7542margin:0pt 0pt 10px 10px;float:right;width:126px;height:86px42 src7542 alt7542cbox42 border75420427674/a7674br7674a href7542 Cbox or Chatbox is a chat widget which can be easily embedded74br76in any web page. It is free and have many features including message74br76history, spam blocking,etc. It can be easily customizable to fit your74br76blog layout.74br7674br7674a href7542 Translate74/a76: This widget lets your non-English speaking74a href7542 style7542margin:0pt 0pt 10px 10px;float:right;width:182px;height:73px42 src7542 alt7542Google translate widget42 border75420427674/a7674br76visitors to quickly translate your webpage in their native74br76language with just a single click.74br7674br7674/div76n74p7674a href7542 src7542 border7542042 ismap7674/a7674/p76', 'str_published': 'Jan 30, 2009', 'str_updated': '', 'custom_content': [{'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': ['2009-02-03T23:19:07.655-08:00']}, {'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': []}, {'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': ['0']}]}, {'guid': ',', 'title': 'Top 5 Ways to get Free One Way Backlinks to your site', 'published': 1233069900, 'updated': 0, 'alternate': {'href': '', 'type': 'application/octet-stream'}, 'author': 'noreply( at ) (kranthi)', 'summary': '74a href7542 style7542margin:0pt 10px 10px 0pt;float:left;width:320px;height:238px42 src7542 alt7542How to get Free One Way backlinks to your site42 border75420427674/a7674br76One way backlinks are very critical to any website success. The more one way backlinks pointing to your site, the more your Google Pagerank and the more amount of traffic you will get. This should also increase your sales,etc.74br76But the thing is.. getting the right and quality one way backlinks from high pagerank sites is not an easy task, and in this article, we47ll find out some of the best ways to get free one way backlinks:74br7674br7674span style7542color:rgb(0, 153, 0);font-weight:bold42761.74/span76 Try to write as much quality content as you can... that will encourage the readers to link to your site. The more useful, informative content you post, the more likely people are to link it. But, this method can take a while to really pay off because like all the new websites, you don47t get much traffic.74br7674br7674span style7542color:rgb(0, 153, 0);font-weight:bold42762.74/span76 Write quality articles and submit them to top article directories like ezinearticles and goarticles. The advantage in this is, you47ll not only get a backlink from high pagerank directories, but also you47ll find that your articles are used on other people47s sites with a backlink to your site.74br7674br7674span style7542color:rgb(0, 153, 0);font-weight:bold42763.74/span76 Participate in forums,discussion boards that are related to your website47s niche and add a link to your site in the signature. Make sure that you write quality posts, don47t spam. This will also help you get some decent traffic to your site.74br7674br7674span style7542color:rgb(0, 153, 0);font-weight:bold42764.74/span76 There is absolutely nothing wrong to get a backlink from a related blog post you decide to comment on. This is one of the effective way of one way link building especially if you comment often on blogs. Comment on blogs related to your niche with a link back to your site as your signature.. and Again, make sure you never spam.74br7674br7674span style7542font-weight:bold;color:rgb(0, 153, 0)42765.74/span76 Submit your site link to major, well known web directories. Getting listed in directories related to your site not only bring you tons of targetted traffic, but will also improve your search engine rankings. Some of the popular directories to get listed in are DMOZ directory and Yahoo directory. You can submit your link to both paid and free directories and they worth your time.n74p7674a href7542 src7542 border7542042 ismap7674/a7674/p76', 'str_published': 'Jan 27, 2009', 'str_updated': '', 'custom_content': [{'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': ['2009-01-27T08:36:00.159-08:00']}, {'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': []}, {'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': ['3']}]}, {'guid': ',', 'title': 'Web Hosting Reviews at', 'published': 1232019120, 'updated': 0, 'alternate': {'href': '', 'type': 'application/octet-stream'}, 'author': 'noreply( at ) (kranthi)', 'summary': 'Are you looking for 74a href7542 Web Hosting74/a76 providers on the net? There are tons of web hosting companies out there providing you great hosting services with a wide range of hosting plans depending on your budget. Depending on what type of business/website you have, you have to determine the web hosting type you need.74br7674br7674a href7542 style7542margin:0px auto 10px;display:block;text-align:center;width:370px;height:108px42 src7542 alt7542Web Hosting Reviews at WebHostingsleuth.com42 border75420427674/a7674br76Before making any decisions in choosing web hosting services and plans, you have to act smartly. Otherwise, you let yourself suffer later on because if you choose a wrong service/plan, it can decrease your sales and customers.74br7674br76Choosing the best web hosting available is not that easy, there are many web hosting providers on the net who claim that they have the best service for you. So, before making any decision, compare all the advantages and disadvantages of the top hosting providers and then make the decision accordingly. So, what do we need is a site which lists all the top web hosting services and rank/review them. Fortunately, my friend referred me a site called 74a href7542 It is a website that is run by experienced guys who know best about hosting your site.74br7674br76So, if you47re about to purchase web hosting.. Don47t forget to visit to find out what47s  best to you.n74p7674a href7542 src7542 border7542042 ismap7674/a7674/p76', 'str_published': 'Jan 15, 2009', 'str_updated': '', 'custom_content': [{'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': ['2009-01-16T05:09:54.440-08:00']}, {'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': []}, {'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': ['3']}]}, {'guid': ',', 'title': 'Web Hosting Reviews at', 'published': 1231758540, 'updated': 0, 'alternate': {'href': '', 'type': 'application/octet-stream'}, 'author': 'noreply( at ) (kranthi)', 'summary': 'Finding a web hosting company is very easy as there are tons of Web Hosting Providers out there on the net. But, before you purchase any hosting plan from any of the hosting providers, you need to know more about the company and their services.74br7674br76So, all you need is a site that lists all the top web hosting companies based on their price,performance,etc. Fortunately, one of my friends recommended me a website that lists all the best web hosting companies based on their current performance,price,bandwidth,disk space,etc... That is Their site features the current top 10 web hosts, and they have the best 74a href7542 Hosting Reviews74/a76. Ofcourse, there are many similar web hosting review sites on the  net, but there are some points which make them different from others.74br7674br7674a href7542 style7542margin:0px auto 10px;display:block;text-align:center;width:394px;height:400px42 src7542 alt7542Web hosting reviews42 border75420427674/a7674br76According to their chart, Lunarpages is the best web hosting company out there. I47m personally using Hostmonster and I don47t have any problems with them sofar. Before migrating to Hostmonster, I used Powweb hosting. You can read their 74a href7542 Reviews74/a76 and 74a href7542 Hosting review74/a76 in their site.n74p7674a href7542 src7542 border7542042 ismap7674/a7674/p76', 'str_published': 'Jan 12, 2009', 'str_updated': '', 'custom_content': [{'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': ['2009-01-12T04:41:26.000-08:00']}, {'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': []}, {'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': ['1']}]}, {'guid': ',', 'title': 'Itunes Music is now DRM-Free With iPhone 3G Music Downloads', 'published': 1231298580, 'updated': 0, 'alternate': {'href': '', 'type': 'application/octet-stream'}, 'author': 'noreply( at ) (kranthi)', 'summary': '74a href7542 style7542margin:0pt 10px 10px 0pt;float:left;width:131px;height:143px42 src7542 alt754242 border75420427674/a7674br76Today, at Macworld, Apple announced that iTunes songs are now DRM (Digital Rights Management) free with songs costing $0.99 cents, $0.69 cents and $1.29. The pricing will also be offered in three tiers now, instead of just one.74br7674br76Out of 10 million songs, 80 per cent are available on the music store from major music labels including Sony BMG, Virgin, Warner music, American Recording without DRM in the store, while the remaining two million songs would be made available by this spring.74br7674span7674br76DRM (Digital Rights Management) technology tries to prevent piracy by placing some restrictions on how the customers may use the music they purchase from their store. Apple47s strong FairPlay DRM technology requires a customer to authorize his/her PC to play purchased tracks and they allow only a few computers to be authorized.74br7674br76You can easily upgrade your existing DRMed tracks to DRM-free versions at $0.30 per song while the music videos can be upgraded at $0.60 each. The songs would be high in quality with Apple47s DRM-free 256kbps AAC.74br7674br76Not only that folks, Apple also announced that, from today, iTunes music store would also be available over the mobile phone networks via 3G, as well as over Wi-Fi. There would be no additional fee and all DRM-free at 256kbps AAC.74br7674/span76n74p7674a href7542 src7542 border7542042 ismap7674/a7674/p76', 'str_published': 'Jan 6, 2009', 'str_updated': '', 'custom_content': [{'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': ['2009-01-06T20:28:29.375-08:00']}, {'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': []}, {'custom_content_id': '', 'custom_content_value': ['2']}]}]}}, 'displayModeFull'));
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