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Yazar Mesaj
Mesaj06.09.2010, 21:45 (UTC)    
Mesaj konusu: Tasarım kodlarında bir sorun ile ilgili

Arkadaşlar altta verdiğim kodlarda menü gizleme kodu eklenmesine rağmen menü elemanlarının gözükmesini sağlayan kod hangisi?

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<div class="con">
<div class="inner">
<div class="projecttitle">Your Blog</div>
<div class="projectdesc"><p>We developed "Your Blog" wordpress theme for sale on themeforest.  The template was designed to be able to hold a lot of content and to allow east accessibility.  It was our first wordpress creation.</p>
<img width="488" height="135" src="" class="preview" alt="preview" />
<span><a href="">Live Preview</a></span></div>

<div class="con">
<div class="inner">
<div class="projecttitle">Royal Joomla</div>
<div class="projectdesc"><p>We developed "Royal Joomla" for a joomla competition on themeforest. The template was successful in winnig the competition and has proved to be popular amongst the themeforest community.</p>
<img width="488" height="135" src="" class="preview" alt="preview" />
<span><a href="">Live Preview</a></span></div>

<!-- Start of Slide -->
<div class="con">
<div class="inner">
<div class="projecttitle">Clean Business Wordpress Theme</div>
<div class="projectdesc"><p>We developed "Clean Business" wordpress theme corporate websites. The template was designs to be eye friendly and to be dynamic and engaging.</p>
<img width="488" height="135" src="" class="preview" alt="preview" />
<span><a href="">Live Preview</a></span></div>
<!-- End of Slide -->


<div id="lc">
<h2>This is a h2</h2>
<div class="imageleft"><img width="184" height="153" src="images/giraffe_25.gif" alt="business solutions" border="0" width="184" height="153" title="Business Solutions" />
      <div class="text">This is a caption for an image floated left</div>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel nunc in nunc aliquet rhoncus. Vivamus tortor magna, faucibus eu aliquam in, fringilla in risus. Vestibulum diam purus, mollis at condimentum nec, cursus id eros. Phasellus ut sapien lectus. Nunc sit amet tellus est. Praesent vel dui eros, in rhoncus nibh. Etiam gravida, velit at posuere commodo, lacus justo cursus erat, nec fringilla lorem felis a ligula. Praesent nunc quam, suscipit a aliquam et, ornare et risus. Donec rhoncus, sapien vitae interdum luctus, erat odio congue tellus, vitae aliquet nisi odio sit amet augue. Morbi mollis porta tincidunt. Cras at urna ac ligula fringilla rhoncus. </p>

<h2>Another h2</h2>
<div class="imageright"><img width="184" height="153" src="images/lappy_14.gif" alt="business solutions" width="184" height="153" title="Business Solutions" />
        <div class="text">This is a caption for an image floated right</div>
    <h3>This is an h3</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel nunc in nunc aliquet rhoncus. Vivamus tortor magna, faucibus eu aliquam in, fringilla in risus. Vestibulum diam purus, mollis at condimentum nec, cursus id eros. Phasellus ut sapien lectus. Nunc sit amet tellus est. Praesent vel dui eros, in rhoncus nibh. Etiam gravida, velit at posuere commodo, lacus justo cursus erat, nec fringilla lorem felis a ligula. Praesent nunc quam, suscipit a aliquam et, ornare et risus. Donec rhoncus, sapien vitae interdum luctus, erat odio congue tellus, vitae aliquet nisi odio sit amet augue. Morbi mollis porta tincidunt. Cras at urna ac ligula fringilla rhoncus. </p>
<div id="extrapanel">
    <div class="panel" id="moneyback"> <strong>Money Back Guarantee</strong><br />
      You're covered - don't pay us unless you are satisfied.<br />
      <a href="#">Click Here</a> </div>
    <div class="panel" id="onlinesupport"> <strong>Live Customer Support</strong><br />
      Talk to support staff online to sort out any problems.<br />
      <a href="#">Click Here</a> </div>
    <div class="panel" id="clientarea"> <strong>Client Area</strong><br />
      Check the progress of your website and give feedback to the designer.<br />
      <a href="#">Click Here</a> </div>
<div id="rc">
<div class="testimonial">
<p><em>"This is a made up testimonial to be used as an example for the template.  I must say I am happy with this template."</em></p>
<p>By Michael Clarke</p></div>
<li><a href="">Some other category</a></li>
<li><a href="">Blog category</a></li>
<li><a href="">Some other link</a></li>
<li><a href="">Some other category</a></li>
<li><a href="">Purple for example</a></li>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div id="footer">
<div id="innerfoot">Webapp Design by Michael Clarke - <a href="">View my themeforest portfolio</a></div>

"Ya olduğun gibi görün, ya göründüğün gibi ol."
Mesaj07.09.2010, 11:52 (UTC)    
Mesaj konusu:

Sanırım siz de benim gibi ilk defa böyle bir sorun duydunuz ki hala cevap gelmedi.. Rolling Eyes

Neyse başka bir şeyler yapacağım artık..

"Ya olduğun gibi görün, ya göründüğün gibi ol."
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